Sunday, January 21, 2018

[Bioinformatics 101] 007. Function Method

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to look at function (or method).

007. Function Method


Create a function (or a method) called Factorial.
The Factorial has one integer parameter "num" and returns factorial value of "num".
Calculate the value of 3 factorial, 4 factorial and 5 factorial.


    result ← 1
    WHILE num > 0
        result ← result * num
        num ← num - 1
    RETURN result

result3 ← Factorial(3)
result4 ← Factorial(4)
result5 ← Factorial(5)

PRINT result3, result4, result5


6  24  120

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[Bioinformatics 101] 006. while loop

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to look at while loop.

006. WHILE Loop


Using WHILE Loop, calculate 5! (factorial) .


num ← 5
result ← 1

WHILE num > 0
    result ← result * num
    num ← num - 1

PRINT result



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[Bioinformatics 101] 005. for statement

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to look at for statement.

005. FOR Statement


Sum all integers from 1 to 10.


sum ← 0

FOR i ← 1 TO 10
    sum ← sum + i



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[Bioinformatics 101] 004. if else statement

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to look at if ... else statement.

004. IF ELSE Statement

Check whether the variable num1 is multiple of 3 or multiple of 7.
num1 ← 7

IF num1 % 3 == 0
    PRINT "Multiple of 3"
ELSE IF num % 7 == 0
    PRINT "Multiple of 7"
    PRINT "None of them"

Multiple of 7

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[Bioinformatics 101] 003. Operators

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to look at basic operators.

003. Operators

Put 7 in variable "num1", and put 2 in variable "num2".
Then calculate the two operands : "add +", "subtract -", "multiply *", "divide /", "remainder %" and power.
num1 ← 7
num2 ← 2
PRINT num1 + num2
PRINT num1 - num2
PRINT num1 * num2
PRINT num1 / num2
PRINT num1 % num2
PRINT POW(num1, num2)

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Python source code answer on Github
Java source code answer on Github

See you on next post!

[Bioinformatics 101] 002. Working with variables! - What is a variable?

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han!

In this post, we are going to calculate the area of a circle given the radius is 3.

002. Working with variables!

Calculate the area of a circle given the radius is 3.
The process of calculation should use the variables - r, PI and area.
r ← 3
PI ← 3.14
area ← r * r * PI

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Saturday, January 20, 2018

[Bioinformatics 101] 001. Hello World!

Hello! This is Kenneth J Han! I'm really glad to meet you guys!

From this post, I'll post basic bioinformatics problems.

Problems are given with pseudocode.

This means you can write a code whatever language you want to use.

There are lots of program languages around world.

If you haven't choose your major language, I'll recommend Python, which is easy to learn but very powerful.

001. Hello World!

Print Hello, Bioinformatics
PRINT "Hello, Bioinformatics"
Hello, Bioinformatics

If you have difficulties solving problem, visit the links below!
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Python source code answer on Github
Java source code answer on Github

See you on next post!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Introduction - Recent me - Working as a genomic data analyst

Introduction - Recent me - Working as a genomic data analyst

Hello World!

Hi, this is Kenneth J Han from South Korea.

It's been more than two years since I ended my degree and started working at Macrogen Korea.

kenneth_hanFrom there, I analyze genomic data with computer and build pipeline for big data analysis.

Work as a genome analyst is perfect for me since my major is biological science and I'm fond of doing something with computer.

Starting a blog is one of my dreams and from now on I'll not only post Bioinformatics contents but also write programming language, such as Python/JAVA/C and Web development.

I hope you guys enjoy this site.

See you in the next post :) Bye